Twitter’s Tango with Shame

The Popular Social Media Network Is Fueled by Exposure and Fear of Being Out of Touch

Zócalo’s editors are diving into our archives and throwing it back to some of our favorite pieces. This week: Writer Jacob Brogan reflects on how Twitter, at its core, is a machine designed to produce shame.

I am ashamed of the way that I am on Twitter. I am ashamed of the things that I write, those wan attempts at wit and weak gestures toward wisdom. I am ashamed that the things I write go unread, less cultural signal than digital noise. I am ashamed …

This Is Your Mind on Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder

I Thought I’d Feel Less Alone After Finding Out That Other People Had This Condition, But I Just Felt More Hopeless

The first time I broke my hand I lied about how it happened. Soccer injury, I told friends who responded with praise instead of concern. My family didn’t even notice. …

The Science Behind Your Kid’s ‘Frozen’ Obsession

Psychologists Explain Why Disney Struck Billion-Dollar Gold with Elsa and ‘Let It Go’

When the animated film Frozen was released in 2014, no one expected it to become a worldwide juggernaut. Frozen, which earned more than $1.2 billion at the box office, is …

Don’t Trust Your Instincts

Your Brain Is Lazy and Sometimes Mistakes Truthiness For Truth

True or false: “The Eiffel Tower is in France.” Most of us can quickly and accurately answer this question by relying on our general knowledge. But what if you were …

BuzzFeed Quizzes Are Good for the Soul

Sure They’re Annoying and Occasionally Insulting. But the Possibilities for Self-Knowledge Are Endless.

Americans have gone quiz-crazy. People who wouldn’t have dared admit to reading BuzzFeed a few weeks ago are now trawling the site late at night to answer questions they’d find …

The Selfless Shall Inherit the Earth

Organizational Psychologist Adam Grant Thinks the Givers Are the Winners Among Us

In Squaring Off, Zócalo invites authors into the public square to answer five questions about the essence of their books. For this round, we pose questions to University of Pennsylvania …