As L.A. Gentrifies, Who Gets Left Behind?

With New Development and Organic Markets on the Rise, Many Working-Class Neighborhoods Are Transforming—Maybe for the Worse

When a British sociologist coined the term “gentrification” in 1963, she wrote that it happens when “working class quarters have been invaded by the middle class … until all or most of the working class occupiers are displaced and the whole social character of the district is changed.”

What do such character shifts look like here in L.A.? The organic market that opened in an Echo Park lot once occupied by a Save A Lot discount store? The presence of empty apartment buildings in Highland Park—old buildings whose new owners …

Writer Tom Zoellner

Railroad Car Confessions

Tom Zoellner is the author of five nonfiction books, the most recent of which is Train: Riding the Rails That Created the Modern World—from the Trans-Siberian to the Southwest Chief, …

Legal Scholar Ethan Elkind

Ethan Elkind is associate director of UC Berkeley and UCLA’s climate change and business program, with a joint appointment at both universities’ law schools. He is also the author of …

Want to Drive California’s Most Terrifying Highways?

Sure, the 5 and the 101 Are Efficient. But If You Want to Find Beauty and Danger on the Roads of California, Head East or West.

Do you seek beauty and danger in California, but are unsure in which direction you can find it?

West. Just drive west.

Or east.

California is sturdily and reliably connected from north to …

The Car Is Not Dead

But the Car of the Future Is Something Entirely Different—and Only One of Many Ways We’ll Be Getting Around

Don’t sell your car just yet—but be prepared to get to where you’re going in a lot of different ways. This was the conclusion of a discussion about car culture …

When Rest Stops Were America’s Best Roadside Attractions

Remember When Road Trips Included Stopping for Picnics and Enjoying the View?

A picnic table shadowed by an enormous teepee; a covered structure in the middle of a vast red desert; a shady spot under the cover of a gigantic wagon wheel. …