LA84 Foundation’s Renata Simril

Sports Brings People Together

Renata Simril is the president and CEO of LA84 Foundation, which supports youth sport programs and public education around sports and youth development. Previously, she has worked with the Los Angeles Dodgers and at the Los Angeles Times. Before taking the stage to moderate Zócalo’s 2022 Book Prize event “Will Americans Ever Be In This Together?” with Heather McGhee, she sat down in our green room to talk sports, community building, and where to find the best tacos in L.A.

2022 Zócalo Book Prize Heather McGhee | Zocalo Public Square • Arizona State University • Smithsonian

2022 Zócalo Book Prize Winner Heather McGhee

I’m Always Trying to Curate a Nice Experience for People

Heather McGhee is the former president and currently a trustee emeritus of Demos, a non-profit progressive U.S. think tank. The 12th annual winner of the Zócalo Book Prize for The Sum of …

| Zocalo Public Square • Arizona State University • Smithsonian

Our Favorite Public Programs of 2022

This Year on the Zócalo Stage, Our Panelists Shared Some Jabs, Gave Voice to Resistance, and Reimagined Home

This year on the Zócalo stage, panelists dared us to reimagine home. Showed us that we can build a better America. Reminded us that incarceration is big business. Demonstrated what …

The 2023 Zócalo Book Prize Honors Explorations of Community | Zocalo Public Square • Arizona State University • Smithsonian

The 2023 Zócalo Book Prize Honors Explorations of Community

We’re Looking for the Best Nonfiction Books on Human Connection

Since 2011, Zócalo Public Square’s annual book prize has recognized the U.S.-published nonfiction book that best enhances our understanding of community and the forces that strengthen or undermine human connectedness …

Heather McGhee Offers a New Story of American Solidarity

The 2022 Zócalo Book Prize Winner Sees Hope Beyond America’s ‘Zero-Sum’ Mindset

The 2022 Zócalo Public Square Book Prize event’s return to in-person programming for the first time in three years—and the hopeful chord struck by the winning author—arrived at the ASU …

Heather McGhee Wins the 2022 Zócalo Book Prize

The Sum of Us Shows How Racism Costs Us All, and What Americans Can Do to Prosper Together

Heather McGhee, the former president of the think tank Demos and a scholar of economic and social policy, is the winner of the 2022 Zócalo Public Square Book Prize for …