What the Daisy Commercial Wrought

Mad Men, Volkswagen, and the Birth of the Political Attack Ad

Pundits have branded this primary presidential campaign season as the most vitriolic in history. Negative commercials dominate the airwaves.

How did we get here? Mad Men has the answer, of course.

During an episode from the first season of the show, fictional advertising executive Don Draper expresses revulsion for a self-deprecating Volkswagen print ad. It was part of a real, groundbreaking whimsical campaign from the 1960s that included several legendary ads–the “Lemon” spot Draper despises, “Think Small,” and later the “Snow Plow” television commercial. The campaign was innovative because of its refreshing …

The End of You

Ask Not For Whom the Etch-a-Sketch Eraseth. It Eraseth for Thee.

A fun-ruckus got raised last week when Mitt Romney’s spokesman, Eric Fehrnstrom, compared an electoral campaign to the Etch-a-Sketch, the children’s toy that allows for easy drawing–and easy erasure. Certain …

A Reborn-Again Kansan

My Diverse, Bloody, Odd, and Treasured Sunflower State

We hear so much about presidential candidates–and so little about life in the states that elect them. In “Beyond the Circus,” writers take us off the trail and give us …

My Changed Tennessee

Reflections On The Place I Don’t Belong and Always Belong

We hear so much about presidential candidates–and so little about life in the states that elect them. In “Beyond the Circus,” writers take us off the trail and give us …

Skip the Auto Plant, Obama and Mitt

Cars Aren’t Detroit’s Future—Or Even Its Present

We hear so much about presidential candidates–and so little about life in the states that elect them. In “Beyond the Circus,” writers take us off the trail and give us …

Dear Mom, We’re Broke

A Letter From Las Vegas

We hear so much about presidential candidates-and so little about life in the states that elect them. In “Beyond the Circus,” writers take us off the trail and give us …