Yes, ‘Breaking Bad’ Got Albuquerque Right

My Hometown Is a Circus of Vice. I Love It Anyway.

When I tell people that I’m from Albuquerque, they usually tell me that’s where Breaking Bad is filmed.

Yes, I reply. Yes, it is.

Breaking Bad has given me a way to explain Albuquerque without saying a word. When I’m asked if that is what the place is really like, all I have to do is nod yes.

Albuquerque is a place where you can buy heroin and a Harry Winston diamond on the same corner. We struggle with drug epidemics, extreme drought, hunger (one in four children suffer from what is now …

Houston Is Mankind’s Greatest City

OK, I Exaggerate, But This Is Texas

There is this story I tell people about when I arrived, in 1995, at the 32-story headquarters of a large oil company for my first day of work. A new …

Placemaker Fred Kent

The Project for Public Spaces Founder Has Always Had a Passion for Place

Fred Kent is the founder and president of the Project for Public Spaces, a New York-based organization dedicated to helping people create and sustain public spaces that build stronger communities. …

A Londoner’s Anti-Home

Why I Left My Hometown Just Before Its Olympic Moment and Came Back to Los Angeles

Russell Crowe once said he would move to Los Angeles on three conditions: if New Zealand and Australia were swallowed up by a tidal wave, if there were a bubonic …

Pie de la Cuesta

A Place To Tune Out, But Watch the Undertow

Its name means Foot of the Hill in English, which is far too ordinary-sounding. Pie de la Cuesta really is a surreal sandbar, a wondrous, two-mile-long wash of white, sandy …