Once Upon a Time, the City of Angels Was Defined by Sprawl, Cars, and Racial Conflict

Now We're Clustering More in the Center, Slowly Gravitating Towards Public Transit, and Finding Ways to Be More Inclusive

People think they know three things about Angelenos and our aspirations. The first is that we want our own space and will embrace sprawl and long commutes to get it. The second flows from the first: that we worship the automobile and the sense of freedom it symbolizes. The third is that although we celebrate “diversity,” we are prone to conflict, particularly along racial and ethnic lines (think of the film Crash or the 1992 riots, which still loom large in the country’s collective memory).

Today, those three things are not …

Will the Laptop Destroy the Coffee Shop?

Yes, We’re Using Our Beach Umbrellas to Charge Our Smartphones. No, It Doesn’t Mean the End of Public Space.

In an age when you can purchase a beach umbrella with solar panels to charge your smartphone, defining a public space—and differentiating it from the digital realm—is complicated. A Zócalo/Getty …

Public Space, Meet Cyberspace

The Rise of Digital Technology Has Changed the Way We Use Public Squares, Parks, and the Streets

Public squares and parks are the sites of some of history’s most memorable moments: the beheading of Marie Antoinette during the French Revolution at the Place de la Concorde (then …

Does America Need a Tahrir Square?

The U.S. Has Let the Public Square Become a Metaphor. That Can’t Be Good for Our Democracy.

Maidan Square in Kiev. Taksim Square in Istanbul. Tahrir Square in Cairo. Recent democratic movements around the globe have risen, or crashed and burned, on the hard pavement of vast …

Your Library Wants You to Make Some Noise!

From Hushed Sanctuary to Lively Community Space, the Library Is Changing (and Going Online)

“Does anyone go to libraries anymore?” A mayor, the president of a major foundation, a corporate executive, and several newspaper reporters have asked me that question. I’ve been asked it, …

Placemaker Fred Kent

The Project for Public Spaces Founder Has Always Had a Passion for Place

Fred Kent is the founder and president of the Project for Public Spaces, a New York-based organization dedicated to helping people create and sustain public spaces that build stronger communities. …