Why the State General Fund Is Mad at You

California’s Fiscal Backstop Breaks Its Silence to Lash Out at Special and Rainy Day Funds, Reforms, and Reports of Its Own Volatility

It’s time for you to stop picking on me, California.

For most of the past dozen years, I was badly in deficit. I heard all the talk—about how my shortfalls were hurting children and poor people, about how I was unmanageable, and about how my inadequacies were compromising the future and raising the prospect of the state falling into the sea.

I tried not to take it personally. After all, I’m the financial backstop of the state, responsible for its core government functions—educating, medicating, and incarcerating. Trying to be the bigger guy, …

Why Obamacare Is Rocking My World

It’s Cheaper. It’s Easier. And the Care Is the Same—At Least for My Family in Sacramento

In July of last year I first began planning to buy insurance for my family under the federal Affordable Care Act. Since then, I’ve reviewed my options on the Covered …

Three Words: Cal Poly Sacramento

Don’t Build a Money-Pit Arena For the Second-Rate Kings. Make an Investment That Will Transform (and Maybe Save) California’s Capital City.

We Californians need to help Sacramento.

Before you start hyperventilating, I’m not talking about our state government. I’m talking about the city and county, the capital region. With little notice or …

Good Migrations

When the Geese Fly South, the Sacramento National Wildlife Sanctuary Is the Place to Be

“I’ll probably be gone all night,” announced Wally, opening the closet door and reaching for his uniform coat. “Hiller’s been getting reports of late-night duck shooting east of the refuge.”

It …

Should L.A. be California’s Capital?

It Would Be a Tough Move, But Placing the Seat Of Government In Small, Remote Cities Often Fosters Public Corruption

One thing that unites Americans, pretty much wherever they are from, is the conviction that their own state is singularly corrupt. Most states, if not all, have their harrowing stories …

Thanks, Secessionists Of Siskiyou County, For Bringing Us Together

In a State As Diverse As California, Hating Sacramento Is the Tie That Binds

It’s one of the oldest tricks in the California book of governance and public relations.

You’re an important person in an out-of-the-way California place, you’re mad about something, and nobody’s paying …